
What is L’Euguélionne, feminist bookstore?

L’Euguélionne (pronounced ler-gay-lee-onn – you can think of a gay lion, even though it’s not what it means 😉 ) is a feminist bookstore and non-profit solidarity co-op in Montreal, also known as Tiohtià:ké, on unceded Mohawk and Algonquin territory. We offer a large selection of new and used books, zines and print art. The bookstore specializes in women*’s literature (fiction, poetry, comic books, essays, young adult fiction and children’s books) and feminist, queer, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, asexual and non-binary, two-spirited, anti-racist, anti-colonial works, etc. We also host diverse literary feminist events including launches, reading circles, talks, workshops and round table discussions.

What we offer

  • A collection of feminist, queer, LGBTQIA2S* books of all kinds: essays, novels, poetry, art books, children’s books that challenge stereotypes, introductory books, university textbooks, a women’s history section, graphic novels … in other words, something for everyone!
  • Specialized booksellers who love what they do and can offer specific recommendations, hunt for rare resources and suggest works not carried by mainstream bookstores.
  • Introductory workshops on women’s literature and feminisms, given in CEGEPs, women’s centres, etc.
  • Over a thousand used books, snatched up by booksellers with a keen eye.
  • Tons of zines, poster art, cards and stickers by artists from Montreal and elsewhere.
  • A whirlwind of literary events, launches, reading circles, discussions, debates and celebrations.
  • A space for feminist communities to call their own


See our accessibility page for details about our physical space (width of corridors, ramps etc.).

At L’Euguélionne, we are committed to making our physical space, our events and our book selection as accessible as possible, within our means. For us, universal accessibility isn’t just a checklist but a constant, ongoing process. We welcome with much interest and appreciation all comments, criticisms and suggestions about accessibility.

The atmosphere and accessibility of the bookstore can vary depending on the time of day and any events being held there. We endeavour to communicate as much information as possible in advance and encourage those organizing events in the space to do the same.

Our collective

Sayaka Araniva-Yanez

Liza Hammar

Saddal Diab 

Awa Torrent

Marilie Ross

Léa Chrétiennot

Silas Dixon loves to read! He is a public library technician in addition to working at L’Euguelionne. She is also on the Board of Directors for Rock Camp Montreal. In his very limited spare time, she is a freelance editor, kickboxer, softball superstar and landscape painter.

Joée de la Fresne graduated in women and gender studies at Concordia. From 2013 to 2023, she was involved in the micro-publishing collective and production of printed objects Possibles éditions. Since 2021, Joée has been the parent of a little beast who is a devourer of board books, colourful illustrations and incredible stories.

Sandrine Bourget‑Lapointe is a graduate student in literary and feminist studies. They come from a background of management, organizing and publishing in queer and feminist communities, notably with the Dyke March Montréal collective and the magazine FéminÉtudes. They love cats and sweets.

Nicolas· Longtin-Martel wrote their Master’s thesis in French-language literature on Françoise d’Eaubonne and plans to reprint the French feminist’s work. They have co-organized numerous feminist events (including a symposium at Université de Montréal and a feminist summer school) and they also write on a blog.

Board of directors

Marie-Claude Garneau is an author and PhD student in French Literature at the University of Ottawa. Her research interests focus on Quebec feminist theater, political theories and cultural studies. She is co-author of the unruly essay La Coalition de la Robe published by Remue-ménage.

Marie-Pier Boisvert is the Executive Director of the Conseil québécois LGBT, where she works on the dialogue and mobilization of LGBTQ + groups across Quebec to make their issues heard by the public and the government. She was a trainer and speaker at GRIS Estrie and at GRIS Montréal, and co-founded Sherbrooke’s LGBTQ+ pride in 2013. She holds a MA in Creative Writing from the Université de Sherbrooke, where she explored the representation of polyamory in Quebec literature. She has given several lectures as part of her work and studies, including Sherbrooke, Montreal, Ottawa, Halifax and Berkeley. In 2017, she published her first novel, Au 5e, published by La Mèche.

Maurane Cloutier is a lawyer with Mitchell Gattuso and works mainly in the areas of family, civil and commercial litigation. She is part of the 2018 cohort of the Young Women Leaders Network.

Céline Gemmel

Ève-Marie Lacasse has been a Montreal-based feminist activist for many years. She is currently coordinator of the Québec solidaire communications team and coordinated the Fédération des femmes du Québec from 2010 to 2014.

Mélanie Landreville is an author and doctoral student in French Studies at Sherbrooke University. She published in 2016 Vertiges de l’hospitalité, at the Herbes rouges publisher.

Judith Sribnai is Assistant Professor in the Department of French Literature at the Université de Montréal. She has published two books: Récit et relation au XVIIe siècles (Classiques Garnier, 2014) and Pierre Gassendi. Voyage vers la sagesse (PUM, 2017).Other than that, she dances.

Board of directors 2016-2017

Marie-Ève Blais
Marie-Pier Boisvert
Sandrine Bourget-Lapointe
Yara El Ghadban
Mélanie Landreville
Karine Rosso
Marie-Amélie St-Pierre
Camille Toffoli